Envision the intimate moments, shared glances, and the unique connection that defines your relationship—all expertly captured in a collection of images that encapsulate your shared journey. At Lasting Images, we go beyond simple snapshots; we specialize in creating a visual legacy for couples that transcends time. We freeze those fleeting moments, showcasing the warmth, joy, and the one-of-a-kind bond that defines your partnership. It’s more than a portrait; it's about preserving the romance, the laughter, the authentic story of your relationship today, to cherish for a lifetime.


I'm Anne-Marie Shumate, M. Photog. Cr. CPP, owner and photographer at Lasting Images Photography. You want a photographer who will create exceptional, timeless images that tell your story - creating Art from Your Life!

As a Master of Photography, Photographic Craftsman, and a Certified Professional Photographer, I've studied with some of the finest instructors in the world, building on a solid foundation of creativity, style and excellence. 

Since opening my studio in 2003, I've designed my business with your needs in mind. From our first phone call, to your custom session, and through the delivery and installation of your portrait order, we will create the images you've been dreaming about.